Virginia Seafood AREC

Construction background
Construction on the new Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Hampton, Virginia is well underway.
The new 22,383-square-foot facility, located on the water’s edge, will have expanded seafood technologies/processing and microbiological laboratories, upgraded aquaculture, fisheries research facilities, water chemistry labs, expanded classrooms, outreach/demonstration and training facilities, and additional workstations and accommodations for visiting faculty, students, and industry collaborators.
The center supports many ongoing programs, including sustainable food system production systems; economics, marketing, and regulations programming; food quality safety and consumer education programs; sustainable fisheries and aquaculture; and seafood processing, validation, and engineering.
The new building will significantly enhance the capacity of the Virginia Seafood AREC.

Additional project details
Gross square feet
22,383 GSF (new)
Construction status
Under construction.
The project is expected to be complete by late 2021 with a grand opening in early 2022.
Virginia Department of General Services
Project manager
Katrina Estep
Mark Owczarski