Package Boiler Upgrades

Project background
Virginia Tech and the Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities are firmly dedicated to bolstering the operational efficiency and effectiveness of its infrastructure systems, as well as its environmental stewardship efforts. One strategy in achieving this commitment is reducing the use of coal as a fuel for utilities generation on the Blacksburg campus.
In April 2017, the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors authorized a capital project to demolish an existing coal-fired boiler and replace it with a new 100,000 lbs/hour natural gas-fired boiler.
The new boiler is anticipated to reduce the university’s coal footprint significantly. It will also help to increase the steam production capacity of centralized heating and hot water infrastructure on campus, while improving the operational efficiency and environmental footprint of the system.
Delivery and installation of the boiler are complete. The commissioning, set up, and testing phases are currently underway.
Gallery - Package Boiler Delivery in December 2019
Additional project details
Project status
Architectural/Engineering (A/E)
Southern Air
Project manager, project inquiries: Gerard Folio
Media: Mark Owczarski