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Innovation Campus Academic Building One


Virginia Tech is partnering with the Commonwealth of Virginia to create a bold, new vision for graduate education in computer science and computer engineering that will unlock the power of diverse people and ideas to solve the world’s most pressing problems through technology.

Located adjacent to the nation’s capital in Alexandria, Virginia, the Innovation Campus will unite industry, government, and academia in dynamic project-based learning and research to shape the way knowledge and emerging technologies influence society, driving a new era for the greater Washington D.C., metro area’s innovation economy.

The first Innovation Campus class, about 75 students, started in the fall of 2020. Course instruction for the Innovation Campus students will be based out of Virginia Tech’s existing location in Falls Church while the new campus is being built in Alexandria.

A colorful hallway inside the existing Innovation Campus building.
A colorful study area inside the existing Innovation Campus building.

The first academic building planned for the campus earned rave reviews and unanimous approval from Alexandria City Council for its architectural design and environmental sustainability features.

The Innovation Campus Academic Building One will be 11-stories and approximately 300,000 gross-square-feet. Campus plans call for Virginia Tech to build two additional buildings, each about 150,000 square feet, as the campus grows. At its full build-out, the Innovation Campus will host approximately 750 master’s and 200 doctoral students and graduate 550 masters and 50 doctoral candidates annually. 


Construction start: Fall 2021

Target completion: December 2024

Build Method

CM at Risk

Gross Square Feet


Current Phase

Under construction




A rendering of the Innovation Campus shows a shiny, asymmetrical façade.
Rendering of the building - southeast.
A rendering of the Innovation Campus shows a shiny, asymmetrical façade.
Rendering of the building - south.
A rendering of the Innovation Campus shows a shiny, asymmetrical façade.
Rendering of the building - northeast.
A rendering of the Innovation Campus shows a shiny, asymmetrical façade.
Rendering of the building - southwest.