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Undergraduate Science Laboratories Renovations

Undergraduate Science Laboratory Exterior Rendering Post-Project completion
Exterior rendering of Undergraduate Science Laboratory project.

About the project

To meet demand for laboratory instruction, the university has developed a two-pronged strategy that includes new construction to add space and renovations to repurpose underutilized spaces. Renovations will provide space to meet the immediate impacts of enrollment growth and the demand for laboratory courses until the new building is available. In the long term, the renovations will serve to fully accommodate expected demand for laboratory course sections through 2023 and beyond.

The renovations updated seven laboratory spaces in Derring Hall and one laboratory in Hahn Hall. These laboratories will expand space to meet growing demand for College of Science course sections in biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and microbiology.


Construction start: Spring 2022

Target completion: Summer 2024

Build Method

CM at Risk

Gross Square Feet




Current Phase

Under construction



Project Updates

Project Renderings

Interior rendering of the Undergraduate Science Laboratories project.
Interior rendering of the Undergraduate Science Laboratories project.
Exterior rendering of the Undergraduate Science Lab building upon completion
Exterior rendering of the Undergraduate Science Laboratories project.