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Health and Safety

The Health and Safety office is responsible for occupational safety and health of the division's employees. Our responsibilities include:

  • Asbestos and lead inspections
  • Confined space identifications with assistance from EHS
  • Air monitoring for abatement projects when available
  • Coordinating training with EHS
  • Fall harness and rigging inspections
  • Maintaining safety equipment for use by various departments
  • Conducting periodic shop inspections
  • Maintaining federally required paperwork
  • Analyze injury loss data

Have an idea? See something that needs improvement? Send us your safety suggestions!

Overall division safety training completion




Rick Hale

Rick Hale is the Energy and Utilities Health and Safety Coordinator and began his career at Virginia Tech as an operator assistant at the Power Plant and proceeded through the ranks to a shift lead operator before advancing to his current role. With over 19 years of experience at the university and 25 years of volunteer fire and rescue experience, Hale brings a focus on safety to the Power Plant, Mechanical Utilities, Electric Services, and more.

In Hale’s spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, coaching baseball, hunting, kayaking, and grilling.