Stewardship Plan for Old-Growth Forest

Old Growth Forest
The Old Growth Forest adjacent Lane Stadium, commonly referred to as Stadium Woods, covers approximately 11.5 acres. It contains over 250 large trees, including dozens of white oak trees that have been estimated by scientists to be over 300 years old.
The university is dedicated to preserving the Old Growth Forest This long-term pledge is underscored throughout the Stewardship Plan for Virginia Tech's Old-Growth Forest near Lane Stadium, the developing Campus Urban Forest Master Plan, and Campus Master Plan.
December 2020: To continue the preservation of campus trees and help ensure the safety of the campus community, a risk assessment of the Old Growth Forest is underway.
Ongoing inspections, tree risk assessments, and maintenance activities are critical tools in advancing Virginia Tech’s tree preservation commitment and natural resource management.
The assessment is conducted in close alignment with the University Arboretum Committee. Assessment outcomes and associated next steps will be shared via VT News over the coming months. Learn more.
Stewardship Plan for the Old Growth Forest
The Stewardship Plan for Virginia Tech's Old-Growth Forest near Lane Stadium includes a list of recommendations that the University Arborist and Office of University Planning continue to consider for implementation as part of Virginia Tech’s commitment to preserving the wooded area.
The plan was drafted in 2016 by Rodney Walters, a former master’s student in urban forest ecology and management under the guidance of a university advisory committee. Prior to attending Virginia Tech, Walters was the lead arborist at Montana State University.
Funding for Walter’s work at Virginia Tech was provided by the former Division of Operations (now under the Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer) and the College of Natural Resources and Environment.