Parking and Transportation Master Plan
In June 2015, Virginia Tech partnered with VHB to develop a 10-year Parking and Transportation Master Plan. The process took about a year and the plan, which replaces the 2002 version, was finalized in August 2016.
The goal of the new master plan was to enhance mobility while preserving campus character and to prepare for the growth in student enrollment expected through 2025.
During the four phases of the plan development, many stakeholder workshops and a town hall meeting were held to give community members and key stakeholders the opportunity to participate in the process. Hundreds of people also gave feedback through the Virginia Tech MOVES Smartphone App, Facebook, and an online interactive comment form.
The process was led by the Facilities Department's Office of University Planning, and involved representatives from across the university and the Town of Blacksburg.
The new plan updates applicable portions of the 2002 plan and identifies the potential impact of several major projects, including construction of the Route 460 Interchange, the Multi-Modal Transit Facility, Drillfield improvements, and the future North Precinct build out.
The final report is a 10-year plan that addresses traffic, parking conditions, and alternative transportation, and fully integrates and accommodates the needs of vehicular, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit traffic. The information in the plan will be used to help university officials work to continually improve Virginia Tech’s transportation systems on campus.
Some of the notable recommendations include:
- Construction of the Western Perimeter Road
- A roundabout at Washington Street and Beamer Way
- Parking redistribution as campus builds out
- Develop transit shuttle routes to support changes in parking
- Improved crosswalks and trails
- Additional bike lanes, dedicated bike trails, and continued use of sharrows
The information will be used to inform the ongoing campus master planning process and some recommendations may be implemented as funds become available.
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For more information, contact Mike Dunn at 540-231-7641.