Non-Capital Design

The Non-Capital Design team assists with renovation projects, including assessing existing buildings and structures, identifying necessary improvements, and ensuring designs meet campus design standards in form, material, function, and location. The team serves an advising role beginning in schematic design of non-capital new construction to ensure alignment with the campus aesthetic. It also assists in preserving the historical and architectural integrity of Virginia Tech buildings, properties, and viewsheds surrounding those facilities. The design team assists with interior design choices such as material and color selection for non-capital new construction and renovation projects. With assistance from the interior designer, guidance is given for selection of furnishings and finishes at Virginia Tech's facilities.
For projects that are not funded within a capital or renovation project, the signage request will go through the Non-Capital Design team or through the Sign Shop:
Step 1:
Project Initiation
The department representative contacts the Wayfinding Designer with a description of needs and requirements. The client submits an ISR in the system to initiate project tracking.
Step 2:
Site Visit and Analysis
Visiting the site helps determine the appropriate size, placement and overall appearance of the signs to be produced. Such a visit is important to the designer’s understanding of the building/site as well as the context of the area in which the sign or signs will be placed. Photographs submitted along with the request will help the Wayfinding Designer and Director of Campus Design to complete an initial review of the request prior to the site visit.
Step 3:
Graphic Design
The Wayfinding Designer prepares preliminary concept sketches of proposed signage for review by the department representative. The signs are designed based on the university signage standards for type, material, content, and usage of the Virginia Tech logo where appropriate.
Step 4:
Cost Estimating
The Wayfinding Designer will direct the project to the Sign Shop or to outside vendors depending on the project needs and sign type(s). The estimate includes labor and materials required to manufacture and install the signage.
Step 5:
Project Approval
The Wayfinding Designer reviews and obtains approval for the preliminary design concept and cost estimate with the department representative.
Step 6:
Permits are required for buildings which are not on the Blacksburg main campus or are at leased facilities. It is the department representative’s responsibility to present the drawings to the town building and zoning permit department (and landlord as required) for approval prior to beginning sign production.
Step 7:
Sign Manufacturing/Production
The approved signage quote and final design are submitted to the vendor for production by the Wayfinding Designer, or the Renovations Project Manager when projects are managed through Renovations. The job is placed on the vendor’s manufacturing schedule based upon the lead time for ordering materials, the current work load and the requested deadline.
Step 8:
Sign Installation
The Wayfinding Designer, or the Renovations Project Manager when projects are managed through Renovations, coordinates with the vendor and the department representative for signage installation.
Step 9:
Job Completion/Invoicing
The sign is completed and installed by the vendor. The Wayfinding Designer, or the Renovations Project Manager when projects are managed through Renovations, and the department representative review and accept the installed product. The department is invoiced directly for the work.
Jess Mackenzie, Wayfinding Designer
Phone: (540) 231-0442
Sandra Graham, Director of Campus Design
Phone: 540-231-4961
The Sign Shop provides signage for small orders including interior and exterior signage, transportation signage, recognition plaques, nametags and banners. Most standard signage requests can be done directly by sending a request for estimate through HokieMart to Facilities Operations. The manager of the sign shop works closely with the wayfinding designer to align signage with the university signage standards.
For standard signage requests, you will be directed to submit a request for estimate through HokieMart to Facilities Operations/Sign Shop for the work. Once you have received and approved the estimate, the sign shop can begin work on your request.
Michael Carlson, Sign Shop Supervisor
Phone: (540) 231-9913
Facilities Operations
Phone: 540-231-4300