Graduate Life Center / Library Plaza Phase 1 & 2

The Graduate Life Center (GLC), located at the terminus of College Avenue in Blacksburg, Virginia, anchors a gateway into the Virginia Tech campus. Built in 1935, this historic building brings a unique façade to a section of campus that has seen several renovations throughout the years.
The recent redevelopment of College Avenue has emboldened the GLC to enhance its landscape. A primary goal for this project is to enhance the visual connection from College Avenue to the GLC edifice. Removing a dense vegetative screen and constructing a prominent architectural gateway are two main features of Phase One, which will garner a stronger connection between the Town of Blacksburg and the Virginia Tech campus.
Phase Two seeks to expand on the template provided by the College Avenue improvements by also improving the pedestrian experience in the Library Plaza – located between the GLC and Squires Student Center. Ultimately, the university visualizes the improvements to Library Plaza to be continued to its terminus at Kent Street.
While future funding, an interim design plan was implemented during the summer of 2016. This work included repairs to physical wear and tear in the plaza, the relocation of bike parking loops away from the center of the plaza, and the installation of additional seating elements. Spatial branding, including campus standard signage, banners, and a kiosk with a campus map, were added to mark a clear transition from the Town of Blacksburg to the Virginia Tech Campus.
Virginia Tech Project Manager
Jack Rosenberger
Construction Status
Interim Design is under construction, and the GLC/Library Plaza design will be reassessed once completed.
Project Completion
The Interim Design is anticipated to be complete in September 2016.
For additional information, contact Jack Rosenberger at 540-231-1844.
Before Construction Photos