Assessment of safety, health of old growth forest underway

Aug. 24, 2021 - updates:
Virginia Tech old growth forest tree risk assessment: 2021 report executive summary published
Throughout late 2020 and early 2021, University Arborist Jamie King performed proactive tree risk assessments for targeted trees along the most highly utilized paths through and adjacent to the old growth forest by Lane Stadium.
A recently published executive summary highlights near-term maintenance opportunities stemming from the analysis that will help mitigate potential safety risks to the university community.
Many of the pruning practices recommended for risk reduction support tree preservation by limiting deadwood and tree and branch failures that may create wounds and expose trees to decay organisms.
Maintenance activities will begin on Aug. 25. Additional maintenance phases will take place in the weeks to follow.
December 2020 - updates:
To continue the preservation of campus trees and help ensure the safety of the campus community, a risk assessment of the old growth forest adjacent to Lane Stadium, commonly referred to as stadium woods, is underway.
The proactive assessment focuses on trees adjacent to pathways and campus thoroughfares. To date, the health, structure, and risk of 12 trees have been assessed by University Arborist Jamie King.
Ongoing inspections, tree risk assessments, and maintenance activities are critical tools in advancing Virginia Tech’s tree preservation commitment and natural resource management.
This long-term pledge is underscored throughout the Stewardship Plan for Virginia Tech's old growth forest near Lane Stadium, the developing Campus Urban Forest Master Plan, and Campus Master Plan.
Both frameworks call for preservation and management of the old growth forest, citing the positive environmental and cultural benefits, and hands-on learning opportunities it offers the campus community.
The assessment is conducted in close alignment with the University Arboretum Committee. Assessment outcomes and associated next steps will be shared via VT News over the coming months.
Learn more about campus trees and the university’s interactive tree inventory map, which includes identifying information for nearly 10,600 trees across the Virginia Tech campus, including tree type, species and origin details, height, and more.
Additional information around Virginia Tech's tree preservation efforts can be found here.